Your Support Matters!
Join us on our incredible journey at Omtara Kuteera. Every contribution we receive is reinvested in realizing our visionary projects. We invite fellow philanthropists, kindred spirits, and organizations with the means and desire to support our mission. Together, we can breathe life into some of the most remarkable art and cultural exhibits, seamlessly blending ancient India with modern technology for the benefit of future generations. Consider lending or donating your art to Omtara Kuteera. Your generosity will be acknowledged, and your art will be prominent in our planned projects.
Currently under construction, this 40,000 sq ft structure is dedicated to the epic tales of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi, fusing art and architecture to bring these stories to life.
Let's commemorate Lord Buddha's life and teachings by creating a stupa-shaped structure housing art and educational materials. Through visual and performing arts, modern technology, and electronic education, we aim to spread Lord Buddha's message of peace and love.
Imagine the awe-inspiring form that Lord Krishna revealed to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. We're unleashing our creativity to build an exhibit that captures the magnificence of that moment. This exhibit will present the teachings of the Bhagavad Geetha in a visually captivating and easily digestible format with the aid of modern technology.
Every contribution, whether in funds, materials, or support, matters. If you're interested in enriching these projects or have a passion for creating exhibits celebrating Jainism, Sikhism, or other facets of Indian culture, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can weave the tapestry of India's rich heritage for generations to come. Your involvement could be the first step on our journey to make the extraordinary happen.
We are deeply grateful for our patrons' unwavering support, which fuels our mission at Omtara Kuteera—a one-of-a-kind Sanatan Dharam heritage center. We aim to educate, entertain, and energize future generations while fostering a deep interest in Sanatana Dharma's culture, traditions, beliefs, and philosophy.
If you’re passionate about art, culture, and gardening, we call on you to support and elevate Omtara Kuteera. Whether you volunteer occasionally or on a regular basis, your contributions are highly valued. To express our gratitude, we offer complimentary food and accommodations at Omtara Kuteera for all our volunteers.
Join us in enhancing Omtara Kuteera, making it a thriving cultural hub, and crafting a unique garden destined to be a must-visit visitor attraction in Bangalore.
Survey # 44/2, Basavenahalli Village Motaganahalli Mandala Panchayath, Solur Hobli, Bangalore, Magadi, 562127